In Focus | DRC, United States
Texas investment firm Bridgeway plays humanitarian privateer for the State Department in DRC

Texan financier and committed Christian John Montgomery devotes part of his investment company Bridgeway's profits to hunting down and forcing surrender on members of the Allied Democratic Forces, an armed group active on the border between the DRC and Uganda aligned to the Islamic State. The campaign is run by a small group of activists who use a range of tactics, including aggressive communication campaigns, private intelligence and paramilitary training, and who align their activities closely to US foreign policy objectives. [...]
Published on 05.07.2021 at 05:00 GMT Reading time 11 minutes
Democratic Republic of Congo military personnel (FARDC) patrol against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU) rebels near Beni in North-Kivu province, December 31, 2013.
Democratic Republic of Congo military personnel (FARDC) patrol against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU) rebels near Beni in North-Kivu province, December 31, 2013. © Kenny Katombe/Reuters
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